Today I came up with a new recipe in honor of Aphrodite and her passionate nature. Her symbol is the rose and roses generously offer us so many beautiful gifts. In the summer they offer seductive aromas and a symphony of stunning colors. Their aromatic petals are absolutely delicious and I love to adorn my dishes with their beauty. Rose tea is also one of my all time favorites. In the fall roses bear magnificent fruits in the form of rose hips. As one might expect, roses are graced with voluptuous hips. Rose hips are remarkably high in Vitamin C and have a delightful tangy flavor. They are the star of this particular recipe, along with sultry cacao which stimulates the release of the same endorphins and neurotransmitters that are released when we are in love—Aphrodite wouldn’t have it any other way. This makes this sensuous dessert an antioxidant powerhouse that is best when shared with someone you love. Bon Appetit!🌹
🌹1 oz of dried, seeded Rose hips soaked in 1 cup of spring water for 3-4 hours (they can be found at Mountain Rose Herbs and I use the ones that are sold in chips or pieces)
🌹2 tsp of chopped cacao paste (this can be found raw at Longevity Warehouse)
🌹1 cup fresh young Thai coconut meat (Exotic Superfoods is my favorite raw brand that sells frozen coconut meat and if you can find organic whole coconuts that is a great option too)
🌹1/2 tsp whole green stevia powder (Mountain Rose Herbs offers this)
🌹1/4 tsp whole aromatic dark vanilla powder (Rawpower or Mountain Rose Herbs are my favorite)
🌹A pinch of Celtic sea salt
🌹1/2 cup raw, whole, pastured kefir (I like to make my own out of Organic Pastures whole raw milk)
Pour the re-hydrated, soaked rose hips into a blender along with the soaking water. A high powered one like a Vitamix is what I use personally and may be necessary to smoothly blend the harder ingredients like the cacao paste. However, if you only have a regular blender it is certainly worth trying it. Put all the remaining ingredients into the blender as well—the cacao, coconut, stevia, vanilla, Celtic sea salt and kefir. Blend it all until it is smooth and velvety like pudding. The kefir is an optional ingredient and can be replaced with Brazil nut milk or spring water. You can garnish it with a cranberry, an artfully sliced strawberry or any other creative addition you can imagine up.🌹