Black cats bring me luck with their loyalty, love and smiling warm eyes.
My long hair heightens my senses and softly falls on my back offering comfort.
Aspens and aromatic wild roses are my guardian angels.
I worship the luminous moon and the sun that reflects off her celestial body.
I bow to the fluidity of the shifting seasons and the melodic, rhythmic waves of the sea.
Grasshoppers, dragon flies and field mice are all welcome in my circle of friends
I am guided by my senses and my inner authority. My instincts are intact and I listen to my inner knowing.
My hair smells of pine and juniper. I can see straight to your heart with an intensity that makes some uneasy and others comforted.
When moved to do so, I will hold you with soft tenderness and gentleness.
I fiercely protect those with no voice like the land, the trees, the animals, the insects, and the innocents who have been victimized. I fiercely protect my own heart and the hearts I love.
If you enter my heart you will remain there for a lifetime.
—Melina Powers